Discipling the Next Generation
Have you ever stepped back and thought about why you do children’s ministry? Why is it programmed the way that it’s programmed? Why are you using the curriculum that you’re using? Why is your ministry focus where it is focused? Really, what is your purpose for children’s ministry – the driving force behind what you do?
In their new book Forming Faith: Discipling the Next Generation in a Post-Christian Culture, authors Matt Markins, Mike Handler, and Sam Luce talk about the old outdated (and ineffective) way children’s ministry has been done while challenging you to make discipleship your focus.
Here are my three big take-aways from Forming Faith:
- “Friends, child discipleship cannot be left to chance or hoped for through hype and excitement,” (Mike Handler, page 123).
Yes, yes, yes!!! I have been saying this for a while. We, as ministry leaders, cannot just show up on Sunday with no planning and hope for the best. Eternity is at stake, and we need to be intentional with our discipleship. (In fact, my next book is all about intentionally discipling!)
- “The heart of our discipleship must always be the gospel,” (Sam Luce, page 167).
We have seen over and over the results of moralistic teaching and edu-tainment in ministry. It’s not good and it doesn’t ground children in the faith. We have to teach God’s Word. We have to teach them the gospel message! Eternities depend on it.
- “We need more than numerical growth; we need formation that leads to lasting faith,” (Matt Markins, page 56).
The predominant theme of Forming Faith is that we cannot keep doing children’s ministry the same way it’s been done – with a focus on entertainment and numbers. We must focus on discipling boys and girls – or the chances of them abandoning their faith is high.
Children’s ministry is and should be all about discipleship. We aren’t babysitting. We aren’t just entertaining kids. We are discipling them. That is what children’s ministry is about. That’s the Kingdom assignment; eternities are at stake.
*If you work in ministry, make sure to check out Forming Faith: Discipling the Next Generation in a Post-Christian Culture, available at https://www.moodypublishers.com/forming-faith/
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