Amber Pike
Have you ever stepped back and thought about why you do children’s ministry? Why is it programmed the way that it’s programmed? Why are you using the curriculum that you’re using? Why is your ministry focus where it is focused? Really, what is your purpose for children’s ministry – the driving force behind what you [...]
Amber Pike
Volunteers are necessary for ministry, and a successful ministry has a successful volunteer plan in place. Part of that plan includes appreciating your volunteers.
Amber Pike
Are you teaching children that the Bible is true? Unfortunately, the way we teach in ministry can sometimes say the opposite about God’s Word—that it’s not true and not to be trusted. The way we teach can make the Bible seem like made-up stories and fables instead of the one true, God-breathed account of our world.
Amber Pike
Fun is important in kidmin, but is the fun (the method) happening at the expense of the messaging?
Amber Pike
What is happening in our churches? The Biblical Worldview Show often deals with deceptive ideas in culture, but are those ideas creeping into our churches? Do they exist in your church?
Amber Pike
While we all do want churches full of kids, students, and families, we have to focus on discipling, before we think about growing. So, how should you be growing your ministry?
Amber Pike
This single page contains the information Mom and Dad need to reinforce the day’s lesson, plus some prayer prompts and additional activities to lead throughout the week. What a win, right?