Teaching Children That The Bible is True
Are you teaching children that the Bible is true? Unfortunately, the way we teach in ministry can sometimes say the opposite about God’s Word—that it’s not true and not to be trusted. The way we teach can make the Bible seem like made-up stories and fables instead of the one true, God-breathed account of our world.
Not only do we need to be rightly handling God’s Word when we teach it, but we also need to be intentionally showing children how we know that the Bible is true.
This is apologetics, knowing what you believe and being able to defend that belief. And our children need to be equipped in this way!
So how do we know that the Bible is true?
- God wrote it. The Bible is God-breathed (2 Tim. 3:16-17). God does not lie and His words are truth (John 17:17).
- History confirms it. Secular historians confirm events, people, and places from the Bible. Jewish historian Josephus, for example, confirms that Jesus from Nazareth was a real person living at the time the Bible says.
- Archeological records confirm it. Recent archeological discoveries confirm events and people from the Bible such as the walls of Jericho (which fell outward instead of inward fall pattern, pointing to the lack of traditional attack), King Hezekiah’s signet ring, a clay seal from Baruch (Jeremiah’s scribe), and more.
- The test of time confirms it. There are more historical copies of the Bible than any other major historical document (such as Homer’s Iliad) combined. The Dead Sea Scroll discovery in the 1940s/50s contained even older and more intact copies than we had previously.
These are just a few examples confirming what we, as believers, already know. The Bible is true. Each and every Word of the Bible is God-inspired, given to us to teach, correct, reproof, and train us in righteousness. We need to teach it as such.
*For more confirmations of the Bible, check out Evidence for the Bible by Clive Anderson and Brian Edwards.
Make sure to check out the live training on how to teach children that the Bible is true in the Family Ministry Community on Facebook.
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