The Best Team Ever
Volunteers are necessary for ministry, and a successful ministry has a successful volunteer plan in place. Part of that plan includes appreciating your volunteers. Here are 10 ideas for showing appreciation to your volunteers.
1. Text them thank you with a specific observation about their service.
2. Snail mail a card of thanks.
3. Give them a framed picture of them serving.
4. Have their favorite breakfast foods in a special room each Sunday.
5. Give them a gift (big, small, cheesy, or sentimental).
6. Host a volunteer appreciation lunch.
7. Celebrate their big life events (birthdays, anniversaries, etc.)
8. Greet them with more than a routine “Good Morning” as you fly through the hallway.
9. Get to know them.
10. Remember that appreciation isn’t just a quarterly gift; it’s an attitude that should be shown each and every week.
Need some more, practical help appreciating your volunteers? I’ve got you covered!
-Episode 97 of The Kidmin Huddle is all about volunteer appreciation
-Volunteer Appreciation Planner https://store.renewanation.org/products/volunteer-appreciation-resource-planner
-Volunteer Appreciation Resource Pack https://store.renewanation.org/products/volunteer-appreciation-resource-pack
-Sweet Treat Volunteer Appreciation Theme https://store.renewanation.org/products/parent-postcard-pack-copy
-Christmas Volunteer Appreciation Kit https://store.renewanation.org/products/christmas-volunteer-appreciation-kit
-And… there’s a whole chapter dedicated to volunteers in my new book, Intentional Children’s Ministry (to be released January 2025)
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